Fishing at Buckhorn Lake for crappies on April 26, 2008

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
The Location:
For the Kawartha crappie opener, frozenfire and I went to Buckhorn Lake to fish for crappies. This is a well known spot among the Asian community. It is located on private property. The owner has a few docks where people can store their boats for the summer, and I believe they also rent out boats but I'm unsure of the prices. For fishing, they charge $7 a person. It used to be $5, but they recently built a nice washroom.

The fishing:
You can catch a variety of fish here. During mid day, the fish you’ll most likely catch are sunfish, perch, rock bass, and both small and largemouth bass. When it starts to get dark, the crappies come in and so do some walleye. This is a calm bay that gets a constant rush of crappie at sunset and sunrise.

On the opening night when we arrived, about 10 people were already there lined up on the docks waiting for 12:00 AM. frozenfire started catching them right away about 2 feet under the surface. By this point, many had arrived and we had not seen this location as crowded as that night. Everyone fished with about 1 meter inbetween their neighbour.

Ultralight set ups with small reels equipped with 4 lb test, slip floats, and 1.5" plastic tubes on jig heads.

Unfortunately, a few hours in, the rain quickly moved in and it started to thunder. Everyone rushed back to their cars to avoid being soaked. It came, and went, and came, and went. Some people left, but we decided to wait it out. At about 4ish AM, the rain stopped and we could fish comfortably again.

When the sun came out, it was nonstop action. Everyone was landing them at all spots. There were many of decent size and out of season largemouth bass also made an appearance.

We had 3 fish which measured in at 11.5 inches. In total we kept 16. Most of the fish caught were thrown back due to their small size. It was a very packed but fun night. Not a bad way to spend frozenfire's birthday haha.

Here are some pictures of the surrounding area:
All were taken at 7AM or so. We fished along the horizontal dock in this picture.

View from the left:

View from the right:

Closer view of the elevated dock:

Lastly, the small docks usually ignored by fishers. frozenfire's friend has fished here with success in recent years. A lot of rock bass can be found here, along with the occasional decent crappie.

frozenfire's big catches! What a happy birthday boy haha.

Driving directions:
Take the 401 East to 35/115. Then head north past 35, continuing on 115 until you reach 7A to Fowler’s Corner. Keep heading north until you reach Highway 1. Take a right and head east to the end and make a left (north) onto 18. After passing the town of Bridgenorth, make a left on Selwyn Rd (20) and keep going until you reach the 4 way stop at Buckhorn Rd (23). Make a left and head north until you reach Curve Lake Rd (22). Continue going until you reach the end and you should see the house with the docks after the gas station.

Driving time:
From the north east corner of Scarborough, it takes about 2 hours to get there (with regular traffic flow). It'd probably take at least 2.5-3 hours if you're coming from downtown Toronto or Mississauga.

Google recently updated their satellite image of this area, but unfortunately, they took it during the winter when everything was covered in ice. This is the best I can do.

Excellent report!

(sorry about the lack of reports so far in this section, but I expect this section to take off this summer. I'll definitely be posting some reports here myself)
I also expect this section to be busy as the season progresses.
I also would assume that scugog reports would be in here too. :oops:
I was debating putting Scogog reports in here last summer, but ended up sticking them in GTA. From this point forward, Scugog reports and all Kawartha Lake reports will go here.

Panorama picture would have been cool too.

Is that dock sinking? or water level is high?

Was it worth the gas to drive there? (Duh!)

Have your(frozenfire) had your birth day cake there? (Who knows!?)

Can I actually sit on the toilet seat in that public washroom?

Was the owner waiting to collect money @ midnight? :roll:

Sorry! Too many questions... too little comment.

Next time... try casting out some of those ultra light lures like floating rapala 2". When fish are active it can be very fun catching with those. You just need a longer rod to reasonably long(er) cast.

MikeyMikey said:

Panorama picture would have been cool too.

Is that dock sinking? or water level is high?

Was it worth the gas to drive there? (Duh!)

Have your(frozenfire) had your birth day cake there? (Who knows!?)

Can I actually sit on the toilet seat in that public washroom?

Was the owner waiting to collect money @ midnight? :roll:

Sorry! Too many questions... too little comment.

Next time... try casting out some of those ultra light lures like floating rapala 2". When fish are active it can be very fun catching with those. You just need a longer rod to reasonably long(er) cast.


my camera has a 'wide' function. probably should've used that but it would've become quite distorted after resizing it with the program i use. have you 'stitched' together digital photos for a panoramic view? i haven't tried this before.

the dock does sink a bit. it gets pretty slippery. best to wear boots or waders. it was windy and the movement of the fishers also caused the water to rise.

yeah it was one of our more worthwhile nights i would say. we come to this place pretty often.

the women's washroom is pretty good. maybe i should've taken photos of the inside hahaha. there's a shower installed too. double sink. they provide actual high quality toilet paper and bounty paper towels for you to dry your hands with. there is lemon anti-bacterial soap. i think frozenfire said there's one toilet and a urinal in the men's, plus a shower. there are two toilets in the women's. i remember last year when the women's didn't have an actual handle/lock on the main door... there is a working one installed now thankfully.

for that specific night, the owner came out at... 12:20am or so? however when we have went in the past, she usually comes collecting sometime in the late afternoon/early evening. i haven't seen her come out to collect more than once in one day. this is the first time we have went for an opener.
UPDATE on May 1, 2008.

Not looking for any credit, just wanted to provide an update. No pictures. Same equipment used.

We went back to this same location and arrived at about 6pm on May 1. There were fish all around when we arrived. Crappies were most common, but also caught were large mouth bass, rock bass, sunfish, perch, walleye. We agreed to throw back any crappies that were smaller than 10". We brought home 10, among three fishers. Threw most back as they were in the 8" range. At about 11pm, the action came to a halt and the crappies being caught were gradually becoming smaller and smaller. We left before midnight.

It wasn't packed this night. Among the three of us were two other fishers. They were using minnows and frozenfire overheard them saying they were doing well.
Maybe I should take my brother here to spend some time outdoor.

How do I pay the owner here?
Ringer their door bell? or something?
or do I just start fishing and someone will come and collect the fee? (I hope it's not some stranger taking money from me and than later owner visit later asking for money again :roll: )
it's a good place to bring some people to teach them to fish.

the owner will come out of the house to collect the payment. Sometimes you get lucky and they aren't home or they don't collect for the night.

caught my first walleye of the season too, of course it was released. a couple of decent sized largemouth were landed too. :roll:
MikeyMikey said:
Maybe I should take my brother here to spend some time outdoor.

How do I pay the owner here?
Ringer their door bell? or something?
or do I just start fishing and someone will come and collect the fee? (I hope it's not some stranger taking money from me and than later owner visit later asking for money again :roll: )

yes it's a very nice place. aside from fishing, there are benches and chairs for you to sit on. you can also sit on the ledge of the raised dock. some of the best sunsets were seen from this location in the fall. my avatar is from one of those times.

i would recommend boots! and something to drink, a snack... other than your fishing gear =).

i doubt you'd get scammed. and it's always the lady (i think her name is Donna) who collects as well.

oh yea and make sure to abide by speed limits when driving to the location... in particular i mean the 60km stretch of road for 6minutes +.