I got curious aboit all the "Matzuo Fishing Stuff" that was popping up all over the place includung Canadian Tire, so I went to their website.to have a look see.
I dowloaded their 2013 Catalogue (PDF). Looks like Nice Products. Their site is "Matzuo America" however they are from Japan.
I was also in CTC last night. Looks better in person. I wanted some some Swivels, Rigs, Hooks etc.
After comparing them to all the other Manufacturers I bought theirs.
The Quality appeared to be the best and the Price Certainly was.
I read an article on fishing equipment about a week ago. They said that a number of "Top Name Brands" ARE made in China.
I haven't had a close look at any of mine but I'm not sure if the Manufacturers are compelled to put the Country where they are made on their Lures, or whatever else they make.
Personally? It doesn't matter to me. I.E. If one of my Favourite Lures or Rods is now made in China or any other "Out Of American Country", I'm not going to stop buying it.
Oh! Hang on! (Now that I've typed all this) .."Authour Of This Post". Just now Popped into my Head! Aren't you the same Person who put up his New Website "fishnbuddy,com" or something like that? If so you have 3 or 4 Members Comments on there, including mine waiting for an answer or Comment from you.
I have to Post this or I'll Lose It. Then I'll go and have look, Add it by Edit to this if you are or Delete the above if you're not.
Well. It Appears to be so.