i always find it so funny that people relate to lake Ontario as "dirty" when its certainly clean enough to support life and an ecosystem. Yes yes the mercury lvls blah blah blah, well if you dont already know theres mercury in ALL major water systems in this world. the tuna that you all love to eat has mercury in it, the sashimi that comes from the west coast has mercury in it and theoretically any predetory fish anywhere has the most "toxins" since they eay smaller fish that also have toxins and that build up in them. isnt it funny that most of the fish we eat are predetory? anyways back on topic, yo aiyaz use the skien it will work... its opener lol anything works, you know that better than anyone else here haha.
And last but not least, for ganny guy. we have no fishery left because the government has stopped stocking fish not because one person kept a fish for roe,(we must not forget that the steelhead and salmon fishery are not native to the great lakes and was a put and take fishery for the government to make money) look at the americans they dump millions of millions of dollars into thier rivers every year thats why they still have 30 fish days on the regular, also I dont think posts like yours in the salmon and trout forum help. Yes you didnt break any forum laws by not specifcally saying which pools u fished but come on now, you very well know that from the cnr down there isnt much water to cover so why wud u even bother posting? im not lookin to start an argument here but i started fishing almost 13 years ago and i know that isnt much compared to all u old farts but when ive been fishing more than half my life id say i know my fair share which was all learned by trial and error, going out there and walking for hours on end just to see whats around the next bend. buying different random things in the tackleshop to see if it will work on steelies. Im really happy that these forums werent around when i was first starting, otherwise i may have not learned all the things that i now know.
goodluck to all this coming weekend and dont forget it WAS and alawys IS about having fun!