Hey guys there is a pond in Thornhill the pond is at Dufferin and clark it is called marita payne pond I fish there alot and I have caught bass 0.5-3 pound range, carp 2-7 pound range and black crappie, sunfish and catfish. The best time to fish here is from 7-11 in the morning and at night 6-9. The best baits to use : bass - topwater frogs , spinners and night crawlers. Carp - worms and corn. Other panfish - worm, minnow and small spinner. Last year in the summer i also caught a pike that was 14 inches long on a spinner but i haven't caught one since but there might be a few pike in there as well. Another good location for all the fish I just mentioned is in G ross lord park in the reservoir, i have caught 4 pound bass in there last year on worms but i don't suggest using lures besides minnow imitators.