floating or sinking eggs

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
I always use spinners for steelheading but i still have some eggs on the freezer and would like to do more roe bag this time...what's your take between sinking salmon eggs and floating salmon eggs. is it personal preference or all these depends on the situation?
If you're gonna bottom fish use floats, if your gonna float fish no floats in roe. Good luck !
Depends if sitting on bottom or float fishing. While float fishing wouldn't the floating roe just float up to the top? Thus making the float usless.
here's my set up on float fishing. mainline - float - 3 shots 4" apart - swivel - 18" fluoro - sinking eggs.

i would like to give floating eggs a try. probably...mainline - 2 shots - 12" floro - floating egg. yes, yes?
No man. That will cause your line to 'L' or 'V' which causes big time slack and horrible hook setting opportunities.

Make sense?
No man. That will cause your line to 'L' or 'V' which causes big time slack and horrible hook setting opportunities.

Make sense?

it does. wait, you're talking both set up is wrong? or just the floating one? i usually just hunt with spinners and plugs but having acquired some salmon eggs, i just don't want them to go to waste.
it does. wait, you're talking both set up is wrong? or just the floating one? i usually just hunt with spinners and plugs but having acquired some salmon eggs, i just don't want them to go to waste.

generally if i cast from piers or around the mouth of a river ill use floating ones. If im in the river systems tho i use sinking eggs under a float.
it does. wait, you're talking both set up is wrong? or just the floating one? i usually just hunt with spinners and plugs but having acquired some salmon eggs, i just don't want them to go to waste.

Only the floating one. It goes against the rules of physics. 'add weight to get presentation deeper in water. Add floats so presentation rises.' You line is trying to do two complete opposite tasks which creates a surplus of slack right. The figure L or V is an over exaggeration of your line but you see what I mean with the kink? Half the line (or for how ever down shot is) is trying to sink while the remaining line is trying to rise (floating presentation). ITs hard to explain without drawing it. But any slack in line is bad slack. Gives fish opportunity to get off before you even realize you're hooked up.
=[ ]===-----0------0-----0----::---------------->
Float Main Split Swivle 18"leed sinkin roe

This is how i imagened his setup seems correct to me.
Lately I've been using this with some success:

[ ]==0000=: :------------00--------------O-->
^Float ^shots^swivel .... ^shots ...... ^bead

not very good for deep water though
In that particular setup I keep them together.

so you have shots on your leader?
my fluoro leader is about 18". 3 split shots on the main line. 6"inches apart. and then 6" from my float.

=====Float==o==o==o==%--------------Roe on hook.

so how do you rig a sinking roe? I'm not too sure of the depth of the water i'm fishing. I have caught a trout before on a vibrax but not on roe. And i'm pretty sure i was lucky when I caught it.
Eggs naturally sink, just wrap them up in scarf/net and put it on the hook. I buy netting and use spider wrap stuff that you just wrap around a bunch of times. No tying required, comes in a small tube and lasts forever. Sorry but I cant remeber the exact name, I'll get back on that one. Or skein can just be hooked up threw the membrain.
Lately I've been using this with some success:

[ ]==0000=: :------------00--------------O-->
^Float ^shots^swivel .... ^shots ...... ^bead

not very good for deep water though
this is the rig i use fishing slow water when trotting in heavy current reverse the weight arrangement. 8 lb fouro for shot line to 6 lb tippit or in clear water 6 to 4
for bottom bouncing i use standard glen haffy rig ..hook with weight a foot below