Fly Fishing Trip Advice

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Catfish Everdeen

Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
Hey guys,

I am going to head out on a fishing trip this Sunday and I was hoping for some insight for location.

I have never caught a trout on my 5WT fly rod and am eager to hook into something. I plan on throwing an olive and black woolly bugger and a hare's ear nymph, unless there is an evident hatch happening.

I am not looking for any specific locations, just a little insider info for the quality of the streams and possible access points to begin my own personal exploration. Any tips would be appreciated, even tackle tips.

Thank you all, I will post my results.

Catfish Everdeen
There is a good book about option #1. If you search it on you will find it and it's very, very helpful. Hope I'm not giving too much away there, seeing as it's all published info.
Well, just going to shoot a quick update: we ended up going to a creek off the grand, known for carrying many small trout.

When we arrived, we were right in the midst of a Caddis hatch, which, to my luck, resulted in my first dry fly trout! It was a tiny rainbow, about fifteen centimetres, but nonetheless it counts! He was caught on a size sixteen white dry, not exactly sure what kind. They were not picky however, because after losing that dry, I had a couple of more takes on an Adams. Is an Adams that good of an imitation of everything?