Fly fishing with float fishing beads?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2012
I usually put a fly under my float when I'm using my pin but i find it pretty fun to fly fish. I have a LOT of beads and not a lot of flies, while i wait for the flies to come i was wondering if i could tie on a bead like i do when float fishing (minus the float, shots and other stuff) i figured it would be kind of like bead fishing but on a fly rod? can it be done?
TroutCommander said:
Beads were originally used for fly fishing.
i think they were made by fly fishers to avoid the "gorging" that happens with egg imitation flies that have the hook on the actual yarn/egg, keeping the fish safer... most of the time ;)
Exactly what was said above; beads were originally used by Alaskan fly fisherman targetting rainbows behind the pods of spawning salmon. They were fished in a way that when a rainbow ate the bead they would be able to turn and hook themselves in the side of the mouth as they went to eat the next egg. The issue with a standard egg imitation like a glo bug is that when the fish makes that turn the hook generally ends up in the gills hence the increased survivalbilty and popularity of beads.