Gonna try for carp

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New Member
Mar 21, 2012
Well im gonna try fishing for carp for the first time with a buddy of mine tomorrow or sometime this week. I did my research on how to rig and step up everything. i do not have the proper rod and reel im guessing. just gonna try it on my musky rod and spinning reel. I will be going to port credit or something place in etobicoke. Not sure what place is best. I always wanted to go for carp but always got pulled into fishing for musky, pike, bass and for steelhead in the river. just wondering is there any rules. i dont wanna get any other carp guy mad cause im to close. is there unwritten rule how far u gotta be. just dont really wanna upset anyone the first time i go out. i know when im ice fishing i dont like guys drilling holes 10ft away from me. also thank you to the guys that shared the rigs and how to use them. it helped out alot
Most carp anglers are pretty civil. Why not just say hi and ask the guy if it is okay to fish there. Just say " is it okay if I set up there? and point to the spot. Carp fishing is static fishing so you really don't need a lot of elbow room. 10 yards should be okay. Just give each other fightin room when someone has a fish on. Good luck. Post some pics.
No problem using your rod to start off, you can use anything from lightweight to heavy for carp. Just make sure you dont use a low capacity reel as the big ones can go on nice runs.