Good Starter Set Up

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
I understand there is no such thing as a do it all set up same as in most fishing applications but I'll try to get across what I'm looking for and reason why. First I caught my first two fish ever on a fly outfit this past weekend and it was a blast and I can see me adding this to my arsenal of toys. Looking to spend around $300-400 for rod reel and line. It will be uses mainly for steelhead with some action for bass at the cottage if I decide to try it for pike I would likely add another setup in the future but steelhead will be it's number one target. I'm thinking a 7wt medium action rod in 9' length, is this the right path? I'm sure it's been asked numerous times and answered numerous times but any feedback would be appreciated. Will also be getting a fly tying kit to start building a supply of flies and jigs as we went through a pile of them this season.
If it's just bass and steelhead you're planning to use this setup on, I'd recommend an 8wt to handle larger streamers and bass poppers.
9' 8wt as recommended above, more of an all around rod in my opinion and will have no problem handling some bigger flies for both bass and pike. As for reels I'd look at something like the echo Ion or Redington Behemoth both are priced around the 100$ mark and perform like reels 3 times the price. As for rods Ive been very impressed with the fenwick range (Greys), they were bought out by pure fishing and have basically set up fenwick for the north american market and greys for the europeans. Something like an HMG would probably fit in your budget. For line I fish RIO exclusively, and would probably go with GRAND or possibly POWERFLY if you can find it... They are very similar lines I just prefer the taper more on the power fly for applications such as indicator nymphing.

echo ion reel for sure. i have 2 of them, strong drag, and smooth its kind if tough to put a whole setup together for $300, considering you're to spend $200 on the reel and line. but for $400 you can do it, have a look at the temple fork line as well, very nice rods