It's not really a forum, it's mostly fishing reports.
Exactly "fisher12" and I'll go to ANY LINK if it is going to supply me with INFORMATION. One I've been visiting the last few days is "".
It's also a
FORUM just like this one with 1,000's of Members. I didn't have to join to get a
PILE of INFO and I downloaded at least
20 Maps of various Lakes all over Ontario.
I can also read ALL of the Forums, I cannot Post. but I get a
Lot Of GOOD INFO from there.
Fishing Tips, Lure Reviews, etc. and
THEY LINK to a PILE of other Great Sites.
IF... It's a USA Forum. So what? The Fish over there are the same as the ones over here, so are the Fisherman.
I don't need
ANYONE telling me I shouldn't go there because it's All
"American Content" or it's a "Forum" so we shouldn't go there and it shouldn't be"Alowed" on here. .
Why Not? If it's got
GOOD Content I'll probably go back there. If it doesn't, I wont.
I will make up My Own Mind whether I will go there or not, thank you. It's Very Esy to Control My Mouse Buttons.
I also belong to
another Forum known as "" mostly because I live North Of the GTA.
It's EXACTLY like this Forum. It also includes, other Sections Divided into ALL of the "Great Lakes". A WEALTH of Information.
Also this
phrase that I see once and a while
"I'm quite sure that everyone would agree with me, when I say that..." NOT this Guy! I think it's called an
EGO Statement. That's YOUR Opinion NOT MINE!
With All Due Respect. Thank you.