Good website where people can share their fishing reports

Ontario Fishing Forums

Help Support Ontario Fishing Forums:

Always nice to share different websites.

However, I'm not sure whats so special about this one?

I mean if your directing people to an artical or story ... makes sense.

Other than that, I look and see a Site that is basically 99% American. (No local content)

I dont get the point as to why PEOPLE who USE this FORUM ... would want to go to some OBSCURE FORUM and post there?

... Maybe they want to get more threads on BOWFISHING?



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actually there is local content, you have to search Canada and Ontario, you may have to make an account.

Yes there is Canadian Content on there. No doubt about that as you've shown in your attachment.

Yes. You have to do a Quick Sign Up, become a member at no cost, and search ANY area of Canada you want.

The site is obviously more of an "Information Site" as apposed to a "Forum Site" where I'd go to take part in "Posting".

It's definetely NOT all geared to the USA.

Thanks for Posting "fisher12"


Low blow on the bow fishing there Blair. Lets not bring up the conservation debate again.

Im surprised how much linking to other forums is allowed on this site. If I was running the site it would certainly be a big no no. Linking to information is great but linking to other forums?
Im surprised how much linking to other forums is allowed on this site. If I was running the site it would certainly be a big no no. Linking to information is great but linking to other forums?

If it's blatant spam it will be nuked, whether it be the promotion of another site, another forum, viagara pills, whatever. Spam is spam. If however, the poster is sharing valuable information that will help members, and it happens to reside on another forum, I'm OK with it.

At the end of the day, I realize that there are many fishing forums out there. Our goal is to make this one the best one.
It's not really a forum, it's mostly fishing reports.

Exactly "fisher12" and I'll go to ANY LINK if it is going to supply me with INFORMATION. One I've been visiting the last few days is "".

It's also a FORUM just like this one with 1,000's of Members. I didn't have to join to get a PILE of INFO and I downloaded at least 20 Maps of various Lakes all over Ontario.

I can also read ALL of the Forums, I cannot Post. but I get a Lot Of GOOD INFO from there.

Fishing Tips, Lure Reviews, etc. and THEY LINK to a PILE of other Great Sites.

IF... It's a USA Forum. So what? The Fish over there are the same as the ones over here, so are the Fisherman.

I don't need ANYONE telling me I shouldn't go there because it's All "American Content" or it's a "Forum" so we shouldn't go there and it shouldn't be"Alowed" on here. .

Why Not? If it's got GOOD Content I'll probably go back there. If it doesn't, I wont.

I will make up My Own Mind whether I will go there or not, thank you. It's Very Esy to Control My Mouse Buttons.

I also belong to another Forum known as "" mostly because I live North Of the GTA. It's EXACTLY like this Forum. It also includes, other Sections Divided into ALL of the "Great Lakes". A WEALTH of Information.

Also this phrase that I see once and a while "I'm quite sure that everyone would agree with me, when I say that..." NOT this Guy! I think it's called an EGO Statement. That's YOUR Opinion NOT MINE!

With All Due Respect. Thank you.
