Lightly dressed Intruder pattern I made up ,once in the water it presents a profile and markings that mimic other baitfish more realistically than just a bunch of maribou....a #8 octopus hook tied to some backing trails from a 1 /0 hook that has had the hook cut off.CC is tying the same with I think articulated shanks ...both improve landing success I think.before water they look like this
awesome fish. what size rod were you using?
slow movin lazy river it is ,and, as you say warm, to the touch...not holding as many fish as I expected...looks like I should head to a georgian bay trib nextThat fish was a long way up in water whose temp was not ideal...she must have needed some lovin real quick...
You good sir are the king! I'd love to get my hands on the recipe for that intruder.....I'm still new to tying so I was wondering how to split the fibres for the body.
Either way awesome catch. Would be cool to hear details on the rod size. She'd bust up my six weight easy!!