Greeting from Peru

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Aug 27, 2015
Hello Ontario Anglers

It is a pleasure for me to be part of this great Community.... For long time ago I was thinking to participate in a Canadian Forum, in order to learn about your fishing places and ways.

Well, I come from Peru, and I live in Lima. I like to practice saltwater and freshwater fishing. Major part of the year I go to the beach (inshore and onboarding) looking for Flounders, Corvinas (somekind of weakfish), Cabrillas (somekind of groupers), Robalo (snook), etc.... in winter, I rather to go to the highland rivers looking for some trouts.
As part of my fishing passion, I also like to do my own lures and edit some fishing and how to do's videos. I will share some with you, looking for to get your opinion and recommendations.

Well, thank you for accepting me as part of your Forum, I am sure I will learn a lot from you.

Best regards and safe fishing, Antonio
Hey. Wow. Not every day someone from Peru joins. Welcome. Tones of info here on trout fishing. Look forward to what you can contribute in the ways you fish as I am sure we can learn something from you too!
welcome, tons of trout info like Fishheads said but Im not sure we can help you too much with the salt water aspect
Helo To all

I felt very happy to recieve all you welcome messages...I really hope to learn a lot about fishing in Canada, particulary in Ontario and BC States. My daughter is going for exchange to Canada in January and I am planning to escape for fishing.... Well if God permit me..hahhaha

Thanks again, I will do some posts to show you how do we fish here, and also to show you my homemade lures to get your feedback and improve them with your experience and ideas....

Have a nice Sunday, Antonio

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