GTA Taxidermy

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
Can anyone recommend a good taxidermist in the GTA? Or let's say anywhere between Lake O, Georgian Bay, Sarnia, London, and Erie.

One that you have had work done with before and found professional and worthy of repeat business.

I have always wanted to mount a fish and I caught one today that I want to mount.

I looked one up online and saw that the price was $12/ I am looking at around $300 for a 25" fish. Seems relatively pricey considering a whole wolf is $800 but if I am only going to do one in my whole life, so be it.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks, I'll have to look into them more, but at first glance it seems that they only create replicas and do not stuff the actual fish?

I have this fish stored flat in a freezer as per the instructions for storing a fish before taxidermy. I would like the actual fish stuffed and touched up with paint if necessary, as opposed to a completely fake replica.
Advanced does great work and they do either a replica or a skin mount.

You won't get a good one done for $300. Advanced will be more but well worth it. If you get a 25" fish done for 300, please let all board members know where you get it done because that price would be a steal.

Thanks, I'll have to look into them more, but at first glance it seems that they only create replicas and do not stuff the actual fish?

I have this fish stored flat in a freezer as per the instructions for storing a fish before taxidermy. I would like the actual fish stuffed and touched up with paint if necessary, as opposed to a completely fake replica.

25" wow, got a pic?
Could be a pike, he didnt specify the species. I think a nice 25-30" pike would look amazing mounted, I might have to make that a goal of mine.
25" Pike, you are kidding right? Although there might be a great story behind the catch, I would hate to kill one that size for a mount. To small for a pike mount IMHO.

I guess that would take us into the debate of who the better spawners are; 25"ers or 35"ers. I think I would feel worse killing a monster pike as they are more rare to catch where as I catch 25"ers all the time. I also think it would still look really cool with a good mounting job.
Can anyone recommend a good taxidermist in the GTA? Or let's say anywhere between Lake O, Georgian Bay, Sarnia, London, and Erie.

One that you have had work done with before and found professional and worthy of repeat business.

I have always wanted to mount a fish and I caught one today that I want to mount.

I looked one up online and saw that the price was $12/ I am looking at around $300 for a 25" fish. Seems relatively pricey considering a whole wolf is $800 but if I am only going to do one in my whole life, so be it.

Thanks in advance.
I had one done by Jeff Brain in Orillia who is an award winning, world renowned guy who also teaches taxidermy across the continent. I paid $17 per inch about 3 years ago but if you are in a hurry forget it. It took over a year as he is so much in demand. The result is top notch though. He is right off Hwy 11 just south of Orillia. Google Jeff Brain taxidermy.
I've never bothered to kill a fish just to have it stuffed and mounted on a wall. I think that taking quick measurements and taking a picture of the fish and then having a replica made is the way to go if you need to see a fish on your wall to get your juices flowing.