Headed out to the Grand below Caledonia tomorrow.

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
Anyone interested in meeting can send me a PM and I will tell you where we will be.
Targetting Channel Kitties, Pike and 'eyes. Also may see some Gar and Bowfin. Probably will also see some oos Bass, but they will be released rapidly.
We usually use live bait, minnows or worms so it is hard to avoid the Bass at times.
Always lots of fish, waders are the best thing to have.


did you catch anything? haven't been there in 8 years. I caught my first carp there.

Too many people were at the dam so we headed downstream to one of the many places we know.
I landed 7 Channel Kitties and my friend and his son caught one each. Was surprised we didn't get anything but Cats but it was cool and overcast. Maybe that was why.
I have never caught a Carp in the Grand, although I have seen them. Last year a guy with me actually found one that was on a stringer, that had gotten away from someone. Not sure why someone would put a Carp on a stringer, but we released it.
