Just want to say Hi and let you know that I have been enjoyed reading on this forum !
Thank you to all the MOD's and all contributors, it was very informative forum.
I don't see anything related to this threat in the Forum so here it goes ...
One questions, When to " set Hook ?"
I feel that I have lost too many fishes knowing that they were bitting but the second that
I'am setting hook,,voila, no fish hooked...
I spended more than 8 hours in Rice lake while my buddies got at least 1 or more Fishes
and I got nothing for the day !
(Disappointing, I know, but I am not giving fishing for that? Don't you?)
For SunFish/Blue grill,, normally tac, tac tac,, then sethook ok...
For Bass, it goes tap tap,,0,5 second to 1 second set hook ? I got no fish for this..
For Salmon,, it know it went POP,POP hook set ?(I would normmally lost a Half,, 0.5 seconds before hookset, hence no fish?)
For more then fews occasion,, I felt the fish was holding onto my bait and by the time I set hook... no fish !
Please help?
Thank you very much,
SetHook (Hence my ID)
Just want to say Hi and let you know that I have been enjoyed reading on this forum !
Thank you to all the MOD's and all contributors, it was very informative forum.
I don't see anything related to this threat in the Forum so here it goes ...
One questions, When to " set Hook ?"
I feel that I have lost too many fishes knowing that they were bitting but the second that
I'am setting hook,,voila, no fish hooked...
I spended more than 8 hours in Rice lake while my buddies got at least 1 or more Fishes
and I got nothing for the day !
(Disappointing, I know, but I am not giving fishing for that? Don't you?)
For SunFish/Blue grill,, normally tac, tac tac,, then sethook ok...
For Bass, it goes tap tap,,0,5 second to 1 second set hook ? I got no fish for this..
For Salmon,, it know it went POP,POP hook set ?(I would normmally lost a Half,, 0.5 seconds before hookset, hence no fish?)
For more then fews occasion,, I felt the fish was holding onto my bait and by the time I set hook... no fish !
Please help?
Thank you very much,
SetHook (Hence my ID)