Hello from London Area

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Sep 8, 2013
Hello all. Fishing forum newbie and returning fisherman.

I haven't been fishing in years (probably 10) just due to commitments , work and life never allowing me time. Just started teaching my kids how to fish and started remembering how much I miss it! All my gear is old and dusty (as its been sitting on the shelf for years) but I am dusting it off and getting back out there.

I have a feeling I will be lightening my bank account pretty soon after reading these forums and seeing all the new gear on the market!!
I too, am just getting back into fishing this past year after being away from it for about 15 years.
I get out to London pretty regularly maybe you can let me know some good spots.
10 years !! oh my welcome back.

Head to your local fishing store and see whats new or bring the Kids to Bass pro, I am 26 and I still smile like kid in a candy store when walking into that place.
Welcome back!

Teaching kids is one of the most fristrating but rewarding expirences I have gone thru as a parent thus far. Good on you for bringing the next generation into fishing!
Welcome back. I also live in London and had a blast all Summer getting back into the sport. Mostly the Thames but I managed a few days out at Fanshawe Lake and Pond Mills. There is also a great new angling store out on Highbury called Angling Sports. Londoners don't appreciate the Thames river as much as they should I find. They're very lucky to have something in their backyard. I often get responses of "You would fish in there?" "Ya why not?" Not fishing people but still a dark cloud casted over the river. I'm from Regina which has a lovely lake in the south called Wascana Lake but it was man made and has never been able to support a healthy fishing system. Enjoy London!


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