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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2011
Winnipeg MB
Just joined today. Great layout and good content so far.

A little about myself. I am not in Ontario but in Manitoba. I often fish NW Ont tho. I also used to live in North Bay and have a lot of family in Southern Ont. Thought that perhaps this would be a good way to share what I have learned here in MB. I have found that fishing techniques can be similar from region to region but each region also has its little secrets.

I love to fish. In the summer I target catfish on the red river and in the winter I target walleye and pike. I am a DIY guy and proud of it. I am always willing if I can to take people out with me so if anyone is ever in MB and has some free time perhaps we can hook up, work and family schedule permitting of course.
I live in catfish heaven! Pike and walleye abound as well. My biggest walleye throught the ice was a hog, a 32" 13.5lbs H-O-G, my biggest pike through the ice is 38" and change. Catfish, don't get me started I could go on for quite some time. Its great to be here though. Thanks for the welcome!
I live in catfish heaven! Pike and walleye abound as well. My biggest walleye throught the ice was a hog, a 32" 13.5lbs H-O-G, my biggest pike through the ice is 38" and change. Catfish, don't get me started I could go on for quite some time. Its great to be here though. Thanks for the welcome!

That's a great personal record!!! Ok I have to get you started on the catfish, I'm curious now........lol. How big and what kind are they? I catch alot of mudcats/brown bullheads and a couple of small channel cats..........good eatin!!! I did'nt know cats live that far north in the cold water.
My biggest channel cat is 39.75", my second longest but heaviest is in my avatar. It measured 39.5" and weighed in at 32lbs. Manitoba is a Canada's channel catfish capitol. 17-20lbers are the norm. Anything over 20lbs gets looks from everyone. I think the provincial record is sitting at 46". It is one place that you can almost count on catching a trophy sized channel cat. People from all over the world come here to catch cats.

We also have bullheads that get to a decent size but I don't target them. I actually use hooks and baits too big for them to take so I can keep them off my hook. Even so I get the odd bullhead, my largest being 15.75". It took a 5/0 octopus hook with a big shrimp.

Here is a few pics. Included is one of my son at 4 1/2yrs old with his biggest cat at 36.5", I helped him a bit but it was his fish :cool:




I apologize for the quality of the video and the camera work. This was my first attempt at it. My friend/cameraman/fishing buddy had never used the camera before and I had the kids out that day, hence I was less than ready for a video that day but here is my one and only video so far, I will do more next year. Maybe even a collection of small clips if I can figure out how to do it.

Any feed back is appreciated. As I said before if I can help anyone hook up with the big ones I will. If your in the Winnipeg area give me enough notice and I can organize a short trip out. At least enough to get you started. I have enough equipment for a small group and will lend it out to those that need it.
WTF. I never knew channels got that big there. Channel cat Capitol ehhh. They must grow old to reach those sizes. The pics came out looking great. Hope I can make it out there some day.
Channel catfish is managed as a trophy fishery here. Anything over 24" must be released. The odd one gets poached by people who don't know the regs but not when I am near, I have gone up to people and released fish they thought they were going to keep and called the CO's when talking to people doesn't work.
I am a manitoba transplant now living in central ontario.....like my channel cats too, when i lived in Ottawa Valley got to catch some decent ones in the 10-15 lb range very strong runs almost like a salmon. i found they took large crayfish under a slipfloat really well.

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