How deep can you go.....

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Bow Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2013
This may seem like a silly question, but I there a certain depth of water needed to use a spinning rod and reel?

What I mean is, can this combo be used when fishing on a shallow river/stream? Or is the depth dictated by lure depth/ tackle ability? Sorry if this seems strange but I was just curious. I have never really read anything on this topic.
Ive used spinning rod and reel all my life (23 years lol) and ive landed huge steelies and chohos in small streams on it. My favourite place on opener will be a VERY shallow creek that goes as low as 2 or 1 feet of water. As long as your set up allows for those shallow depths (or deeper pools) you can use anything you want
I've had a lot of luck with Browns fishing a spinning outfit in shallow water. Give it a shot.