How do you like rigging your pike tip ups?

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Oct 5, 2016
Over the last few weeks of this weather, I have been limited to mostly only being able to ice fish for pike and this has led to me experimenting with tip up presentations. I've caught fish with big minnows, small minnows, live and dead, leader, no leader, 3 way swivel, drop shot and anywhere from bottom to right below the ice... It seems as though some days they prefer the live bait, and other days they prefer the dead bait. Ive used quick strike rigs and single hooks and i honestly think i get a better hookup ratio on a single hook through the dorsal, however i will be experimenting with 12" thawed suckers this weekend and i feel as though i will definitely want a quick strike rig for such a large bait. Now my question is really just to gauge if there is any kind of trend with with presentation choice and fish landed and possibly to offer new anglers different methods to rig their flags with! Thanks for all the answers ahead of time, and no need to reveal any big secrets if you don't want to, just chime in with an opinion of whats already being talked about. Tight lines, pray for cold!
IR4J said:

Let my ole buddy Gordo learn ya good on the way to do it. Just let him talk
Hmmm, interesting! Surprised i've never seen this. Might just have to try that this weekend, however i'm more concerned with depth than the actual rigging process. A dead fish would either be floating belly up right below the ice, or just laying on bottom. So to place the minnow that way would not look too natural in my opinion, but i guess you can't argue with results. And gut hooks are not an issue with most other rigs i've used, the problem was that more often than not, i think the trebles were to big for the fish taking the bait and not setting at all. I'm gonna downsize my trebles and try position the bait on bottom but with the tail pointing up. My methods have caught me fish up to this point, but i'm interested in where in the water column people position their dead bait when chasing trophy northerns.
ApacheFishingVentures said:
Hmmm, interesting! Surprised i've never seen this. Might just have to try that this weekend, however i'm more concerned with depth than the actual rigging process. A dead fish would either be floating belly up right below the ice, or just laying on bottom. So to place the minnow that way would not look too natural in my opinion, but i guess you can't argue with results. And gut hooks are not an issue with most other rigs i've used, the problem was that more often than not, i think the trebles were to big for the fish taking the bait and not setting at all. I'm gonna downsize my trebles and try position the bait on bottom but with the tail pointing up. My methods have caught me fish up to this point, but i'm interested in where in the water column people position their dead bait when chasing trophy northerns.
I just play around with depth but Its never my first thought, If there are fish in the area they will usually find your bait. When I really think about it the idea is for your bait to be seen, so in shallower water I wouldnt be scared to go half way down the water column, in weeds a foot or 2 above should give some good sight lines...

One more thought I have about the head down idea is that as fish are dying often try and head back down to the bottom because they know they are easy prey. Just a thought
I'll just give you my 2 cents worth. I'm no expert by any means but when ever I fish Cooks Bay for perch and I spot a mark half way on the screen and I reel up to intercept it's been always a pike. I know each lake is different and all but give it a try. Like they say you can't catch a fish with out wetting a line. Good luck.
Right on, all good stuff! I'll have to try that head down thing! I'll definitely be working a few depths this weekend to see where I get the most hits. Thanks guys