How long do steel head run?

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Steelheard start trickling into rivers in september but the main steel fishing is mid oct to december. They are around all winter, through to mid may. So they are around from september to may to clarify. They don't leave until after they spawn, so most leave in april or may depending on water levels but the odd one will spawn in the fall. For the spring I'd say prime time is february to may 1st (if it's open all year).
Yep. September to May. Ive caught in june though, most years. The person who told you they leave in november...was either lying or talking about salmon, which are done come november.
Browns enter the same time as the salmon, they leave when they leave lol. No set departure time unlike the steel and salmon. However, there are no trout left in the rivers after May-June. The run starts up again in a few months in early september
yea browns come in just a little bit later then salmon and ive caught them even up untill end of may early june still sittin in the rivers along with the odd late steelhead.
steel stay until late spring, browns leave around dec. but they can be caught through spring as well sometimes. Come on Nick, you should know this stuff by know, lol.
TroutCommander said:
They can't run with no legs!

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