How should I use a boat on a lake?

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New Member
Feb 18, 2024
So I am a new angler and havent caught a lot of fish on my boat. To be completely honest, I've caught none. I have a 16 foot jon with a 25 hp 2 stroke motor and I dont think I know how to fish with a boat. Either the water I fish isnt good enough or (my hypothesis) its that the 2 stroke is making a lot of noise and scaring the fish away, because I dont have a trolling motor. I was wondering, what depth of water in these canadian lakes like Simcoe or Balsam, would I need to be at to catch a good amount of bass or pike or anything. I know the depths vary for the fish species but I really just wanna anything, preferable bass or walleye. Anyway thats my question, how do I fish on a canadian lake with my boat, like what do I look out for what should I keep my eye on as you cant really see structure on a lake, and my second question, does my 2 stroke spook the fish and if so how do I make it not spook them.