Humminbird Piranahamax 4 DI Fish Finder + upgraded transducer + receipt

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Active Member
Jul 19, 2016
On Kijiji, search for Ad# 1293095320 to see photos.
Humminbird Piranahamax 4 Di Fish Finder + upgraded transducer for trolling motor (XTM 9 DI 25 T) + 3d printed sturdy protective case.
I bought the unit brand new from Canadian tire about one week ago (I will give you the receipt), and immediately paid 60 USD extra to Humminbird to exchange the included transducer for the version that attaches to the trolling motor. This is why I cannot return it now.
The reason for selling it is that although it performs great and the Down Imaging is simply spectacular, I wish I bought a unit with GPS integrated. If you don't care about GPS, this is a fantastic unit! And it is literally like brand new, I only used it one time this weekend. Priced to sell fast. My loss, your gain.
You will also get the sturdy protective case that I had 3D printed professionally (as seen in the pictures), because the one Humminbird sells for 40 dollars is a cheap fabric protector that doesn't protect anything.
As seen in the pictures, comes with everything---original packaging, manuals, etc. When you pick it up, we'll hook it up to the battery so that you can see it operates perfectly well, even though we can't put it in water, you will hear the transducer pings in the different modes, etc.