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New Member
Dec 29, 2015
Hello everybody. I'm Paul, and i'm new here. I hope all of you have nice day!!! Hi, a good friend of mine is a passionate angler and wants to visit me in Vietnam towards end of the year, so plenty of time to prepare. Problem: I have no idea of fishing, I just eat them. my friends idea is to do a kind of adventure fishing in the Mekong river with vietnam cheap tours; he has no intention to go to one of the angling bordello style lakes filled with fish just to pull out. So he is looking for a more natural approach. Can anyone advise me of nice locations at the vietnam Mekong river where it is reasonably possible to catch fish?

Many thanks!!!
Welcome, but you're probably going to be searching for a needle in a haystack for responses to that on here. Who knows, hopefully someone can help you out!
Fishheads said:
Welcome, but you're probably going to be searching for a needle in a haystack for responses to that on here. Who knows, hopefully someone can help you out!
That's a spambot Fisheads, notice the embedded link.

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