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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Internet is being used on almost anything now a days. There are many good things that this forum can do. Fellow fishermen help newbies and other fishermen by giving tips on how to catch fish effectively without a sweat. Giving tips on hotspots, what kind of lures or baits they can use. It surely helps educate newbies and help them a lot and have fun. I don't disagree at all. I learned all my skills by trial and error, reading, learning fish habitats, learning fish species, ecosystem, watching videos, weather, water temp, sun, nobody have taught me all about fishing. This skills should be earned, It will make other fisherman appreciate the environment has to offer and will pay respect as well. I see lots of garbages on the shorelines and on the lakes that i'd been to. I always have shopping bags with me and try to clean up as much as I can. This is what Internet can do, It helps on both ways !!
its both a curse and a blessing. it can be a source of some really helpful information, it can also lead to to some shady dealings, on the fishing end of things, the number of anonymous users/guests, giving tips on hot spots can ruin a system faster than you can blink an eye
Ya its to bad...its really hard to keep a secret spot these days unless u have private property. You really have to look to find these spots. That's why I don't fish conservation areas much anymore, there just too well known and alot of them of them are overfished
We need more CO's out there. Ministry should set up a short exam like driving license kind of thing like G1, G2, G and educate people about keeping the environment clean before getting their licenses. Demerits will be given to any litter bugs on the lakes or 30 FT. from shore lines.
Ya thats the problem theres not nearly enough officers out there, They need 5 or ten times the officers to enforce properly. I honestly would pay twice the amount I pay for a License right now if they could enforce properly.
On the topic of litter: it takes only one carelessly dropped piece garbage to give a hole away. I have found a few this way. One cigarette butt, a plastic worm, a piece of fishing line. Don't worry though, the secrets are safe with me! ;)

As for conservation areas, they do get a lot of "pressure" and litter bugs I suppose, but I think when everyone is paying a few bucks to fish, it helps the authority to continue holding the land that keeps developers from rendering what little natural landscape we have left into subdivisions and golf courses.
LURE said:
We need more CO's out there. Ministry should set up a short exam like driving license kind of thing like G1, G2, G and educate people about keeping the environment clean before getting their licenses. Demerits will be given to any litter bugs on the lakes or 30 FT. from shore lines.
I have made a post similar to this before and I agree education is the key and as mentioned before personally I think it is way to easy to get a fishing license there should be some sort of testing not for basic skills but the test should be on the rules and regs, In my case I wasn't even asked to present I.D maybe the clerk wasn't following policy I don't know. Also there should be some way to grandfather in youth that have fished with parents or relatives with Ontario fishing licenses for a certain amount of years and have just turned 18.
and on the internet thing "Heavy is the head that wears the crown" with great knowledge and success comes responsibility