Is the carp fishing at Lakefront Promenade still good?

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Sep 1, 2010
Someone mentioned chumming for steelhead in clear water in another thread, and it sparked my memory of carp fishing the 4 stacks in Mississauga way back in the day. I used to bring a bag of frozen corn and throw handfuls upon handfuls into the clear water, cast my corn-loaded hook into the pile of chum and watch as the carp would eat the corn... It was so fun watching them pick up my bait amongst the pile 'o corn and then setting the hook! Sight fishing at it's best. Ahh those were the days.

The fishing was always good because of the warm water discharge, but now that the generating station has been demolished, I'm just wondering if the carp are still in there in the numbers they used to be... Anyone know? I haven't been down there since they shut it down in 2005.
Was going there this summer, but there is no access as the road was blocked off due to some construction or something. Stopped at the Etobicoke Creek mouth instead and nothing.