You've been saying that you only use a few type of plastics. Would you be willing to share which types you use? Thanks. I would really appreciate it and I am sure the other guys/girls would too. Thanks.
Oh. REMEMBER THROW AWAY OUR PLASTICS! (Or melt them and make more, I do!!!!!)
I was WAITING specifically for you to ask (Seriously).
My pleasure:
Firstly, let's get it out in the open that NO ONE WAY or SET UP is perfect.
Everyone has their own preferences, styles, conditions.... To each their own right?
So, most of my personal fishing experience is based on: 7ft med action rod, Spin Reel and 8 lb mono
Different times of the year, species etc. will of course change things .. but in general here are my five:
1. PINKIES (plastic worms 3"-5")
- I like the "Berkleys" but find them outragiously priced! $7-8 bucks for a pack of 10
- I use a brand called Lucky Lady (Buy them at 25 a pack off ebay - 2 packs with shipping =$7) lasts me a whole season.
- Mainly for Trout, but have found: Bass, Perch, Walleye, Pike ... FRIGGIN ANYTHING will hit em!
2. Berkley Minnow (3"-5" Black & White - PERIOD)
- Not the Green, Not the Blue... Not the rest! Just simple Black & White (I think thats the smelt pattern)
- Good for Trout, Bass, Pike, Walleye, panfish
*Interesting fact: Around Christmas the Steelies down in the Niagara Whirpool will seem to "Switch" to hitting these. Not that Roe or other offerings dont work. but down in the pool I have seen this "transition" at it's most prevalent.
- Killer.... many makers out there, but just the plain simple white with a tail. Absolute KILLER
- Screw all the other colours! lol waste of money.
4. One pack of Senko's or Slammers ( I really dont use them that much!)
- I have dark colours for these and in the 5"-6" range
5. Now that you got me "Thinking" (Responding) .... I guess I really dont "Vouch" for anything else!
- Having an artificial CrayFish or Frog would be an "exception".
This is based on my 40+ of fishing experience and my own Frugullness! lol
I said it before and I'll share my opinion again:
1. Live bait is best, if you have it and can use it
2. Hard Baits - you only need (3) : Spiinner, Spoon and an old fashioned "Rapala")
3. Too many choices typically lead to "Fishing Confusion"
Best advice is this: ALWAYS, ALWAYS ... ALWAYS see what other people are landing their fish with! Some days if only one fish is caught then I call it a "One Off"...
But in general, you would be a FOOL not to use what is catching the fish.