Yes, tropical fish from the Asia. who ever released it wasn't thinking right. Imagine if that thing adapted to those waters though? it won't be good for the native fish we are already losing to carp. Spotted Koi on rumble pond. I'm guessing they're not native either.
some people just cant bring themselves to kill anything so they take it to a pond and dump it. Luckily it was a warm water species so it didnt pose much harm but it still could have added harmful bacteria or parasites to the pond. They need to think about the species in the pond they are potentially killing and not just their pet fish.
I really wish people had more respect for our native fisheries. I really believe that the punishment for introducing non native species to any body of water should be heavy handed.
Yes, heavy handed indeed. You wouldnt think it happens but I guess it might happen more often than we think. I wonder what the punishment would have been if they would have caught the people who originally stocked the pond in this article.
IT's obvious,,, the person who released it wasn't thinking at all! IT's people like this that ruin the fishing, and aquarium hobby alike, and the out come is over regulating.
I just dont understand why IF the arrowana was alive, they would dump it in the lake instead of selling it. That size (if healthy) can be sold for around $1000...dumping it in the lake to die is just STUPID