Last Kick at It

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Taking boys out this weekend for what could be the last time for awhile. We've been struggling to hook up neither of the boys have got one in almost a month and frustration is setting in. Was hoping for ice but nothing safe enough for me, plus I'm off to Cuba next week. We are going to be throwing everything at them. Roe, beads, worms, plastics and flies. Hope we put a hook in one. Water levels are good and I hear some had double fish day today, hoping for the boys there is a few willing ones left. Good luck everyone, tight lines!
It was a futile effort. Went to one trib as word has it the fish where on, well that was two days ago and the bite was pretty hard today. Went to another trib and of coarse, it was on fire this morning but bite slowed with cold air moving in. That's it for us. Hanging it all up for a month or so gotta take a break from the frustration.
That's a bummer to think you could have banked a tonne of fish if you were out a day or two earlier.

That's steelhead fishing, timing with the rain can mean a difference between a skunk or sore arms from catching so many. This is why so many steelheaders go through a phase, and it can last a very long time (years), where all they do is fish. Then you don't miss the good days, hah!

You are right, the Caribbean has a way of turning our attention off winter fishing in Ontario