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Jul 19, 2013
The other day i decided to drop a rapala origional in the river and see if any walleye were biting. I was working a stepdrop close to shore,pausing my minnow over giant rocks.no bites.i told me dog one last cast.i casted real close to shore in about a foot of water.reel reel pause.reel teel pause. Just as i was going to take my lure out of the water a dark shadow about 3 to 4 feet long rolls on its side and took my lure.i set the hook. My line is screaming of thr spool.my dog os going nuts at this point snd is right in the water.all of a sudden my line goes dead.not thinking right i thought i lost him so i real in my line. Well i was wrong
I see a giant pike swimming straight for me. It see my dog at the last secound, spooks and jumps hitting my dog. Jake was so scared he ran up the hill and crapped himself.i had to run up after him because its a busy street.when i came back nothing on my line.i wanted to cry.so i woulf love to hear your close calls and about the ones that got away just to make me feel better
What a great story! Oh man I was laughing my ass off, about your dog being scared! What dog do you have?

I was fishing with a 6 inch sucker for pike. I started to reel it in because I thought the sucker was dead, when I see these giant smallies start chasing the minnow, I quickly release my bail and the smallie annihilates this sucker. I quickly set the hook, the smallie makes one giant jump, 3 feet into the air, the hook is thrown. I release my bail again, and I feel a giant thud, now I set the hook hard, like KVD hard, Remy knows what I mean and I fight this smallie for a few seconds when my line goes limp, I reel in and the only thing left of my sucker was it's top lip... I felt like crying.
the best part of the story was ..the top lip...I pictured the lip hanging there...fantastic stuff right there...and thank god it wasn't my dog involved I have a 3 lb Chihuahua..AKA pike hors d'oeurves
one of my most memorable lost em moments was at niagara falls many years ago , fishng early morning throwing plain silver cleo style spoon one of the smaller ones.Casting to a seam where the current and slow water come together, retrieving the spoon kaboom feel this huge slam on the spoon, looking out at the water i see this silver bullet leap 3' to 4' in the air first experience with this situation so i'm in awe, yell fish on then fish hits water and line goes slack damn ah well wish i could have got a pic with that one :lol: :D
If it makes you feel better you were doing everything right and it's all Jake's fault. The method you use is the same as mine and I've hauled in a lot of pike with plugs that way. Many a times I've seen pike lurking and follow my lures and investigate and wait some more before hitting. It's a chess match that you are about to win...if not for Jake. I use to bring my son when he was small just to show him some fish. I've seen follows of shadows underwater only to be spooked when my son starts throwing something in the water. As he later on learn to love fishing we are now a team and been hunting toothies eversince. Again...Jakes fault. Lol.
Oh man that is a great story!

Just today I decided to head down to the river to the after work to see if I could get into a smallie or two. I didn't have enough energy to put the boat in so I was just doing some casting from shore, got a few fish nothing to write home about. I had the reel spooled up with 15lb test and was getting some snags the spot I was fishing so I had my drag almost maxed out. Then my rod was nearly ripped out of my hand and my drag starts screaming a wrestling match ensues. 30 seconds later its off. All I got a look off was the huge swills of water the fish was making in the water. I have got into a few 10-12lb pike in the last while and this fish made them feel small, I guessed it was a pike but didn't get a look at it. I was all jacked up on the drive home haha reminds me why I love to fish.