Manitoulin Steelhead

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Oct 14, 2012
North Bay
Used to fishing the south western Ontario rivers in the fall, now that i'm back in Northern Ontario, hoping somebody would be able to tell me how the Manitoulin Island rivers are during the fall for steelies. Any help would be great! thanks.
From what I understand they do get runs but people are very tight lipped about what and where. You've got some work to do.
I'm starting to notice that ! I know they're spring runs are some of the best in the province, and i assume that like any other trout stream I've ever fished , some of the rainbows follow the salmon up during their spawning. Guess there's only one thing i can do. Go fishing and find out myself !!
<br>I'm starting to notice that !&nbsp;&nbsp;I know they're spring runs are some of the best in the province, and i assume that like any other trout stream I've ever fished , some of the rainbows follow the salmon up during their spawning. Guess there's only one thing i can do. Go fishing and find out myself !!<br>

Like Dozer says...needle in a haystack man...I know of a few tribs there but they are ephemeral and would never stand up to the pressure our eastern tribs see down here. If you're ever planning a trip I might do a link up...
