Missing Person/s

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Forwarding this from a Facebook Wall post.

Anyone who fishes in the Lake Ontario or Bay of Quinte or Trent River area, or possibly knows someone who knows someone who knows someone... please pass along this information. Charlie Dopking was last seen at around 6:30 on Tuesday November 19th. He was seen boarding a red aluminum fishing boat about 12-14 feet. Witness thinks the boat was operated by a man named Gus or possibly "Goose". No description of Gus because it was dark and he was wearing a headlamp.
They were meant to be back at the Dufferin Street launch at 7pm and never arrived. Not a sign has been seen of the men or a boat, nor any debris.
Police so far have not been able to figure out who Gus is. Please if you know anyone, or know someone who knows someone who fishes, get the word out that we need to identify this man. No one has been reported missing so it is possible he is on a lengthy trip and not expected home yet. If you have neighbours who fish please check and see if they are home or check with their family if they are supposed to be home.
The police are searching non stop but it is hard to know what to look for if they don't know who "Gus" is or what his boat looks like.
Please help spread the word, even if you don't know any fishermen, maybe you know someone who does and can help solve this mystery. Thank you.