Monster Laker on the Ice

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Dec 9, 2011

monster laker through the ice...​
ALMOST makes me want to venture onto the ice​
on second thought...nah​
wow what a hog laker, nice to see it go back as well, thanks for sharing ChaseChrome :) . That laker looks like it has a laker inside it's belly. :eek:
saw that video during my pre season you tube sessions. Huge fish but I couldn't believe how long he was holding that fish vertically by the gill. I think he is one of the brothers that hold the all of the lake trout records, I saw an article on them in a magazine a few years ago.
saw that video during my pre season you tube sessions. Huge fish but I couldn't believe how long he was holding that fish vertically by the gill. I think he is one of the brothers that hold the all of the lake trout records, I saw an article on them in a magazine a few years ago.

Yeah, not terribly well handled...
As an exercise you should check out some of our fishing mags and count the number of images where fish are being held under the gills...

These guys are on lake Superior I was doing some research a while back and Lakers over 40 lbs are not uncommon on some parts of the lake
This video has been around for a little while, still gives me chills every time I watch it. Best part is when he says he's going to be sick and gags out of sheer excitement.
from what i see almost every fishing show i see unless there is fly fishing or center pin involved , they pick the fish up by the gills--its terrible. its like the bass guys-- i will never understand why they need to yank on the rod almost turing the fish inside out...i am surprised that they dont just get a streamer of guts on thier hook with a perfectly gutted fish floating off camera with that "hook set" they do
Ill be the first one to agree bass don't get treated well by fishing show hosts. Most are too lazy to bend down to release the fish and just huck em over the side.

There is a slight explanation for the hooksets though, usually when you see someone really giver on a set its because they're using a texas rigged presentation and have to get the hook thru the bait and in to the fish. Also, a lot of the real hawg largies are in thick cover so you have to really horse em in or else they'll bury themselves in weeds.

I used to think it was silly to fish with 65lb braid and rip bass in but then I noticed that my setup (6lb mono on a L or ML) resulted in some dead bass because the longer fight took too much out of them. Its a bit of a dilemma and I'm still not sure how I'm going to approach it myself but all I know is that the stuff I was doing that I thought would make it easier for the fish didn't always work for me in terms of keeping fish alive...

Edit: WOW I've gotta stop posting from my phone the spelling is just awful haha.