Moon River

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Sep 25, 2016
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share my brief experience on the Moon River, near Parry Sound.

I drove from Toronto North up the 400 and entered in off the road under the bridge that runs over top of the Moon River.

Not the best access point, rookie mistake, but I was excited to try out my newly purchased "Pelican Catch 120" fishing kayak and was hoping to catch some fish. I thought because of its remoteness that I would have an easier time landing some fish.

I was wrong... I entered the Moon River and through a few casts in, felt nothing so I decided to keep on paddling down the river a while. I paddled for about 10 mins where I came upon my first obstacle which was a small set of rapids, I portaged them, paddled another very small section and more rapids...this repeated for about 5 sets of rapids which took me about 3 hours to portage and move my gear back and forth lol..

At one point I got lazy and decide to get as close as possible to the rapids so I could save my self a few more minutes of portaging and the worst happened.. I got so close that I got sucked down backwards in a fishing kayak and flipped myself and the kayak over.

I gave up trying to pass the rapids alone as the kayak sucks to transport back and forth. I docked it on the shore and fished without it.

Every set of falls or rapids I saw I tirelessly fished it cast after cast, bait after bait..with zero success. The small sections of river were each blockaded to one another by a set of my guess is that there were no large fish trapped in these blocks of the river???

The water was crystal clear and I saw nothing but very small fish. On one occasion I did find success on a number 2 Mepps, I caught a .5lbs small mouth that I released to try and survive in these locked pools.

Now I know I am an absolute novice but I did give a hard go and found almost no success, can anyone who hopefully has fished or kayaked that river pass me some tips?

I passed over 5 sets of rapids before I turned around and gave up.

The date was September 23rd

The weather was cool with overcast.

You would think that fast moving waters would have some action but they did not.

Did I not travel far enough down the river? Was the season wrong for that river?

I really wanted to land some Trout!

I hope that this post gives some information to anyone who knew as little as I did about the Moon River.

Thanks everyone
Brandon1982 said:
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share my brief experience on the Moon River, near Parry Sound.

I drove from Toronto North up the 400 and entered in off the road under the bridge that runs over top of the Moon River.

Not the best access point, rookie mistake, but I was excited to try out my newly purchased "Pelican Catch 120" fishing kayak and was hoping to catch some fish. I thought because of its remoteness that I would have an easier time landing some fish.

I was wrong... I entered the Moon River and through a few casts in, felt nothing so I decided to keep on paddling down the river a while. I paddled for about 10 mins where I came upon my first obstacle which was a small set of rapids, I portaged them, paddled another very small section and more rapids...this repeated for about 5 sets of rapids which took me about 3 hours to portage and move my gear back and forth lol..

At one point I got lazy and decide to get as close as possible to the rapids so I could save my self a few more minutes of portaging and the worst happened.. I got so close that I got sucked down backwards in a fishing kayak and flipped myself and the kayak over.

I gave up trying to pass the rapids alone as the kayak sucks to transport back and forth. I docked it on the shore and fished without it.

Every set of falls or rapids I saw I tirelessly fished it cast after cast, bait after bait..with zero success. The small sections of river were each blockaded to one another by a set of my guess is that there were no large fish trapped in these blocks of the river???

The water was crystal clear and I saw nothing but very small fish. On one occasion I did find success on a number 2 Mepps, I caught a .5lbs small mouth that I released to try and survive in these locked pools.

Now I know I am an absolute novice but I did give a hard go and found almost no success, can anyone who hopefully has fished or kayaked that river pass me some tips?

I passed over 5 sets of rapids before I turned around and gave up.

The date was September 23rd

The weather was cool with overcast.

You would think that fast moving waters would have some action but they did not.

Did I not travel far enough down the river? Was the season wrong for that river?

I really wanted to land some Trout!

I hope that this post gives some information to anyone who knew as little as I did about the Moon River.

Thanks everyone
Sounds like you were doing the right things, just a bad day, but I have never caught Trout in the Moon.

I do apologize, I truthfully did not know that was a protected area, I guess the trip being a disaster/ failure from the beginning was natures revenge on me. Dullie noted

I didn't know either my first time but a local told me people get bust all the time fishing the rapids so just check with the marina or a local to be sure and safe.

There is a big green sign at the bottom but I forget what it said.