Nail Knot Tool Made from Pen

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2012
Toronto, ON
Hey Everyone!

I was bored at the office today, so I decided to save myself $10.00, and made a nail knot tool out of a papermate pen. Looks pretty rough, but it works!

Try it out!


haha nice, i've never used that knot just cause its a pain in the arse to tie, i'll tie a perfection loop in my two lines before i use one lol
i actually use a straw from a juice box! the only downside is i loose it alot, so i used the WD40 spray straw cut a 3 inch section, it just makes it a bit easier to see red than a clear one! but whatever works for you man! by all means make it and use it! nice loops to keep em, nice work!
Sweet. I have an actual nail knot tool I got a long time ago but since forgetting it many times I just used my fingers and have gotten pretty good just doing them by hand. Middle of the woods no tools, no choice.
You can also double over a piece of line or backing and use the loop to pull the tag end through, had to do it last fall after a salmon busted off my leader on the old cheap combo. new line has the loops gotta love em