Need Help finding a good line

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
Hey everyone this year I have been trying out many different fishing lines and I cant seem to find any that are all around good. I started out the season with cristal fused braid line 8ib then switched to 6ib, I like it because its very strong does not stretch and is sensitive. The downside is that the fish can see it I did a test a month back where I used the clear fused, green firewire and normal mono and the fish in this case the cat fish almost always went after the mono or green braid, prob because the green blended in more.

A few weeks back I tried fluorocarbon and I don't really like it because its seems to stretch a lot, the upside it its almost invisible and that does seem to make a difference at least with bluegill and crappie.

So I was reading and it seems alot of people use braid then use fluorocarbon leader. Is this just normal line tied on or can you get fluorocarbon leaders?

Anyway what do you guys find work best.
alot of people use flurocarbon leaders, you just tie your braid to a swivel then tie on your piece of leader. i usually just use braid with no leaders and catch just as many fish, it depends on the situation.