Never have any luck, what am I doing wrong?

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Jun 30, 2013
Hey guys, I've recently started to develop quite a passion for fishing, but i almost never manage to catch anything. I always fish from a canoe with my dad(who is also inexperienced). I do so much research on what to use and how to fish, and i learn so much but it hasn't helped yet. For example, two weeks ago me and my dad went out to rice lake in the afternoon/evening to attempt to catch some bass and to our knowledge we did not get a single bite!

I'm going to explain what we did, and hopefully you guys can give some feedback/tips. We launched the canoe in Bewdley and decided to first try fishing some of the shorelines, so we paddled over to the southeastern bewdley shoreline . We fished this shoreline for a while constantly looking for cover, and fallen logs,etc. On the shoreline we were both using Texas rigged Berkley Worms(darker coloured with the curly tail at the end) and my technique was to: cast the worm, let it sink to the ground,wait a second or two, then slowly hop it along the ground a few times, and then reel it back in. We tried this for quite awhile, going up and down the shoreline(I also tried a topwater jitterbug along the shore). Since we got no bites, we figured maybe the water was a bit too shallow along that shoreline and decided to try a different spot. We then moved towards the centre of the lake, where the water was quite a bit deeper and my dad was still using the texas rigged worm. I tried something different because i wasnt sure if the texas rigged worm was good for that depth. There were way too many weeds to use a crankbait(sometimes the weeds reached all the way up to the surface), i figured i would just get snagged every single cast. So i tried a dark plastic skirt jig and a spinnerbait. My technique for the jig was very similar to my technique with the texas rigged worm (i.e let it fall and hop it on the bottom). For the spinnerbait, i would just cast out, wait a second or two, and just reel it back in at a medium speed. Tried these two for a few hours, no bites at all.

Ok guys, what am I doing wrong? I saw these two other guys in a canoe that same day, and they had like 3 Bass with them. I'm trying really hard to learn how to fish, but i just need some advice. Also, I'm going out fishing again with my dad this weekend and we want to try another lake for bass fishing in our canoe. We're near Toronto and willing go even farther than rice lake if its worth it, any suggestions on some good lakes(I understand if you don't want to post about a good lake, but i would really appreciate some general lake advice maybe in a PM). Thanks in advance for any advice.
If your a little guy (to young for a license) my advice to you would be to use really small jigs, lures etc. Also, take a dime, bend it slightly, drill holes, add a hook and you have an excellent homemade spoon. Also, bend your barbs and please learn about and practice catch and release. Have fun and good luck!

Otherwise, in my opinion you had a great day fishing. You had a canoe, a variety of tackle, the old man, and enough incentive and resources to go again this weekend. What more is there ?... the fish ?? That's the easy part - stop at Loblaws on your way back, leave the fish in the lake and leave the sport to those that respect it.
My go to move when things are slow is putting a worm on a hook.... No bobber, go to whatever depth you want ( I usually try to hit between 12-25 feet) and drop that baby all the way down to the bottom. I give it one reel to put the worm a few inches off the bottom. Once there, I pull the line out with my pinky (another 8-10 inches) and then drop it again.

I've had my share of nothing days but with time you'll learn. Try out what I mentioned above and with time you'll learn better techniques but as for that, its never failed. Bass love them!