Never trout fished before but I am really interested in it.

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Walleye god

New Member
Nov 19, 2016
Could anyone help me with where to fish for trout, and what kind of bait to use. Interested in rainbow trout,brown and brook trout. Any information will help thanks in advance.
Depends what kind of gear and what kinds of fishing you plan to do. You can troll from a boat, you can shore fish with spoons, you can fly fish, you can center pin.. possibilities are endless..

location is also dependent.. where you are and how far are you wliling to drive. this fall season for steelhead has been dismal at best...
I can use spoons or a fly but my main problem is that I don't know where to fish. I would prefer resident trout when in season but also want steelhead. I live near London are there any places near that.