New Report idea --> what ya think?

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
I was thinking last night let me know what u think please:

How about after a user submits X# of reports to any given section we are then granted access to other sections of the reports.

I'm thinking like this: We have a good # of VERY DECENT contributors here but we all fish our own zones and occasionaly venture to others. Me it's GTA and Southwest Ontario Fishing Reports 95% of the time, so when I do start venturing farther I would like to be able to research before I go.

I would appreciate being able to access info on areas I would not generally fish in order to increase my chances and knowledge of what I'm getting into.

That make sense to anyone else? of course restrict it to actually members who contribute decent reports.

Not a bad idea, it would give us active members alittle more access, and thats not a bad thing...maybe it will work!!
Interesting idea. How would you feel about combining all report sections into one big reports section for all of Ontario? This way, everyone who's posted a report gets access to all reports?

That would solve the problem, and would eliminate the need to keep track of who's posted how many reports as per your idea.

openfire said:
Interesting idea. How would you feel about combining all report sections into one big reports section for all of Ontario? This way, everyone who's posted a report gets access to all reports?

That would solve the problem, and would eliminate the need to keep track of who's posted how many reports as per your idea.


That is good idea Openfire.
How about restricting the access for users who does not submit new reports after X number of months? (like me) :lol:

Yes, combining all the report section is interesting idea... but still keep it seperate but grant access to all sections after x# of PROPERLY WRITTEN REPORTS ?
i would say lift a benchmark to 10 reports before accessing gta report section, with proper pictures not only the fish but the member itself, this will eliminate fake reports.
efka said:
i would say lift a benchmark to 10 reports before accessing gta report section, with proper pictures not only the fish but the member itself, this will eliminate fake reports.

I like this. 10 might be a stretch though...some of us might not even get out 10 times to write a proper report for each outing.
I like what I'm hearing but I agree 10 might be a bit much for some to reach!
oh boy, it seems like it's gonna be harder and harder for me to get acsess, but still i like the idea....
compared to all the priceless info in the gta section, its not a lot at all. openfire you need to make a teaser report, it will be like a motivation to those who want acccess. and if someone doesn't get out much to fish, he doesn't need that info anyway. why would someone need this forum if he fishes once or twice a year. gta section is for hardcore guys. :lol:
ok, lets try this again...I just made an encitefull response and then lost it, so this one will probably suck, here goes...I like the idea of a # of posts to earn access, but think that 10 is abit excessive, but lets say we pick the # 5 and a member posts 5 good reports, including photo`s and things like weather, lures fished, time of day fish was caught, and anyother info...maps and such, now lets say they take all this time to put together quality reports, and probably are participating through-out other forums as well, then I would say that that is a fairly dedicated angler and probably deserves access to all reports. Just because I am not going to fish up north right now, doesn`t mean I can`t learn, and possibly impart some knowledge to someone who might need it in those forums. If I am a serious and dedicated member than I should have access to all forums, and this does apply to me, I am only on 2 of the forums that are locked, so I would love access to them all. Just some thoughts from a dedicated member. This forum rocks!!
I'm going to say keep forum and reports seperated!

Perhaps openfire should just grant access to those he feels have participated!

Have a good weekend all I'm off north! Post my pixs from the grand river and my Secret spot when I get back!
I agree with Yawn, keep them seperately, but grant acsess to all of them if a member has posted good reports and is a active member here, but if someone is only posting a few time in a reports section and not anywhere else, he/she is probably only interested in getting info about good spots and then forgetting about this site, anyway, this is a very cool idea, and now that summer is almost here and school will be out of the way, i'll have nothing to do but fish and report! :lol:
another idea, i think that when someone submits thier first report, it shouldn't give them acsess unless it's good, and by good i don't mean somewhere like toronto islands, there are soo many people that all ready know about them, and i'm guessing that a lot of reports have allready been done on it, one of the goals of this site is to find out about as many fishing locations as possible, so the acsess granting reports should allways have new and never before said info in it, just a thought