New to fishing T.O.

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Aug 30, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I've been living in T.O. all my life and thanks to my 8 year old's love of fishing have been forced to find areas closer to home! That's how I found this forum. My son and I were thrilled to hear the stories and see the pics of the various species of fish that can be caught at the Toronto Islands!! We made our first trek out there this past weekend. We started at Ward's and made our way west. We spent a lot of time just finding potential spots so we didn't fish as much as we would have liked.
We didn't get completely skunked as the boy caught a couple of small largemouths and some nice sized perch. We saw some bigger bass but they wouldn't take our lures or worms. We also saw a huge carp that my son wanted desperately to catch but to no avail!!

All in all we had a great time and will probably have more luck next time.

We are excited to find more areas close (or reasonably close) to the city to try for more fishing adventures.
Welcome to the forums!

Can't wait to see pics of you guys with that carp (try using corn for them... they go nuts for it!)

If and when your son hooks up with it, that will be a story he'll remember for quite a long time.
Shawarma said:
Welcome to the forums!

Can't wait to see pics of you guys with that carp (try using corn for them... they go nuts for it!)

If and when your son hooks up with it, that will be a story he'll remember for quite a long time.
Thanks! We tried corn but the dang gobies kept getting it!
Welcome to OFF :)

The islands is a fun place to take the kid to fish.
Thanks! Yeah we had a great time!! We saw the planes from the CNE air show as well which my son loved! We'll have to try for pike over the next little while.
bastard gobies!

lol hopefully you guys will have some more success next time.
scouting areas always puts the catch rate down but next time youll know the spots and itll get easier and easier from there ;)

welcome to the forum!