Welcome to the Forums Miso!
The Ugly stick is a great rod to start off with when new to fishing. What reel and line might you be using? (These determine what your limited to catching).
You want to use the "lightest" line you can get away with (given the circumstances) and adjust your drag accordingly from there. I mention this because some fish can see your line and wont bite!
Another thing I want to mention is the time of fishing is very important. Generally speaking, mid day heat is the worst time for fishing. Fish slow down in the heat and seek shelter (become much less active). You will get your most action in the hours of Sunrise and sundown.
Points, Weedlines and structures are the main points you want to be fishing. (Anywhere that has a large depth change near structure will hold fish) - Not sure if you have any electronics. Otherwise, fish shorelines, under tree covers (submerged logs and what not). If you can see that the fish are there and you still arent getting bites, try downsizing your bait or changing the way you present it - Fast retrieve, slow retrieve, pauses.
Hope this helps!