New to Ontario fishing

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New Member
Nov 4, 2019
Hi everyone,

I'm new to fishing in Ontario. Just joined this community hoping to learn more. I'm a novice angler, mostly used to fishing the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Moved to Canada a few years back, so freshwater lake and river fishing is entirely new to me. Trying to learn the ropes, the gear, the species, and finding good spots for both on-shore and off-shore (small boat) casting.

Fishing in Algonquin Park was a fantastic experience, despite having no luck in catching anything :razz: my passion for fishing was reignited. I'll be mostly fishing the rivers and lakes around Hamilton.

Welcome to OFF!

There are many multi species fishing opportunities in the hamilton area
Is there anything specific you are targeting?
Not anything specific at this point to be honest. I just want to find a reasonable starting point to practice and get better. I know Bass is easy and popular to fish, but I hope to eventually successfully target Trout so I don't just catch and release.

I have a small/medium spinning rod with an assortment of plastic baits. I also have a small inflatable with an electric motor, so on-shore and off-shore fishing (in reasonable conditions) would be great.
I'm no expert, but I'm sure I can help you catch some fish.

Lake Niapenco and Mountsberg Reservoir are good spots to take your small boat out for small pike and bass

If you are interested in salmon and trout. I recommend the Niagara Whirlpool. It's a open year round and a great spot for shore fishing. It has a massive run of rainbow trout so if your planning on keeping them it won't impact the fishery. I'll send you a pm on how to access it.

The rod you currently have will definitely get the job done. The best rod I've purchased is the Shimano Sojourn that goes for around $40-60 (7 foot medium fast spinning rod). I've caught salmon, steelhead, brown trout, bass, pike, and panfish on this rod. So don't be pressured to buy into all that expensive high-end gear.

Bass will eat a variety of lures but the easiest way to catch them are fishing plastic minnow baits on a jig head. Pike (especially at mountsberg) will hit vibrax spinners, and spinnerbaits. For salmon/trout at the whirlpool, vibrax spinners are one of the best lures to use
Academiac said:
Hi everyone,

I'm new to fishing in Ontario. Just joined this community hoping to learn more. I'm a novice angler, mostly used to fishing the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Moved to Canada a few years back, so freshwater lake and river fishing is entirely new to me. Trying to learn the ropes, the gear, the species, and finding good spots for both on-shore and off-shore (small boat) casting.

Fishing in Algonquin Park was a fantastic experience, despite having no luck in catching anything :razz: my passion for fishing was reignited. I'll be mostly fishing the rivers and lakes around Hamilton.

Welcome to Ontario's freshwater paradises! There are definitely some bonuses to fishing saltwater, but enjoy the freedom of not having to worry about maintaining your gear in the less salty water :)

I'll second what Ibstacle said about Vibrax spinners. I've caught smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, lake trout, pike, walleye, perch, speckled trout and splake (and possibly other types of coarse fish) all on Size 2 and 3 silver Vibrax both lakes and spring, summer, fall and winter. Very hard to beat a silver size 2 or 3 mepps/vibrax imho.