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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Hey guys you guys seem like a great bunch of guys and the site has the potential to be a gold mine of information once you get access that is lol. It is great to see that someone has undertaken such a worthy cause to document small bodies of water so that the we can enjoy some urban angling when we are not able to make that 2 hours + trip east or north or west for that matter. I am based in Mississauga and would like to be able to get information about the Mississauga ponds I am not so much interested in the fish species and what to use as bait as I like to get surprised when I go fishing I would like to know more about access information etc but all the other information can be a bonus hopefully eventually I will get access and I can give you guys some updates as well on Mississauga ponds once I find the time to visit and fish them.
pogon02 said:
Hey guys you guys seem like a great bunch of guys and the site has the potential to be a gold mine of information once you get access that is lol. It is great to see that someone has undertaken such a worthy cause to document small bodies of water so that the we can enjoy some urban angling when we are not able to make that 2 hours + trip east or north or west for that matter. I am based in Mississauga and would like to be able to get information about the Mississauga ponds I am not so much interested in the fish species and what to use as bait as I like to get surprised when I go fishing I would like to know more about access information etc but all the other information can be a bonus hopefully eventually I will get access and I can give you guys some updates as well on Mississauga ponds once I find the time to visit and fish them.

Thanks for joining!

I look forward to reading your fishing reports! :)