New to Trout Fishing

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Nov 2, 2016
Hello everyone,

So I'm brand new to trout fishing, and would like to get out and see if I can get into some in the next few weeks. I just bought myself a pair of waders, but was wondering if someone could give me some tips as to the best baits to start with... Like I said I'm brand new to this!

If anyone could also point me in the direction of some good locations to test out my waders and hopefully get into some fish I'd appreciate that as well, PM me if you are willing to share some locations. I live in Barrie, so would like to start off within an hour of Barrie.

Thanks in advance for any tips!
You can find trout in most river areas that run into Lake Ontario by the end of December.

I cant tell you exactly where to go, but Parks along rivers are a great start. Walk along the river where ever possible, look for "deeper holding pools" and then come back with your fishing gear! Fish move when the water levels are higher so keep that in mind when locating fish!

As for baits, I prefer to run flies and beads but some people use Roe. Pink worms also have their moments. Beads vary in colours and size from 6mm to 12mm, from natural to UV and glow. Use the smaller natural colours on clearer water days and big bright colours on darker days (overcast) or when the water is stained.

A bead may seem "tiny" for such a big fish, but that is all you need. Make sure you are running a light leader (I like to use a 5.6#) and adjust it according to conditions as well. (Gin clear water I use 4.4# some days, when I am catching many and the water is dirty I use up to a 7.6#). I use 8lb main line as I dont fish many "big waters" (such as the Niagara).

I also use a 13' Medium Light St Croix Avid (your rod length and action will let you use a lighter line) and a Center pin for a better controlled drift and drag.

Hope this helps!
There's a popular trib South-West of Barrie. If you're not looking to spend money on gear specifically for trout. Your best chance is using fluorocarbon leaders at least and make do of what you have. and you will need some bobbers and split shots. Do some research about float fishing for trout. Dusk & Dawn is the best time to fish for them.
What a great way to learn about water movement, fish behaviour and yourself. It takes a lot of patience but once you get the technique down you’ll have a ton of fun. If you want a place to practice, check out the Notty. it can be easily accessed just east of Angus on HWY 90. Not really wader material but great practice to reading waters. Talk to the locals, most are very open to help and share.

Hope this helps.

Henry - Legend Boats
Thanks for the advice guys got out and enjoyed a day of fishing a few weeks back. No luck but still learned a bit!