Taken from the 2016 Recreational Fishing License Information:
"Aboriginal people: Many Aboriginal peoples in Ontario hold Aboriginal or treaty rights to fish. MNRF is committed to respecting these constitutionally-protected rights. After conservation goals are met, Aboriginal and treaty rights to fish take priority before allocation and management of the resource for other purposes. Aboriginal rights to fish stem from customs, practices or traditions that are integral to the distinctive culture of an Aboriginal community. Treaty rights to fish are reserved through treaties between the Crown and Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal and treaty rights are collectively held and are associated with an Aboriginal community’s traditional or treaty territory. These rights are not generic and different communities may hold different rights. Aboriginal and treaty rights to fish can be exercised using modern means. Members of Aboriginal communities generally do not require an Ontario fishing licence when fishing for food, social or ceremonial purposes within their traditional or treaty territory. Aboriginal individuals should be prepared to provide identification showing their community membership if requested by a Conservation Officer. Members of Aboriginal communities fishing outside of their traditional or treaty area must hold a valid fishing licence and follow the corresponding seasons, limits, slot sizes and gear restrictions, or have written permission from a First Nation to fish"
So what I gather from this is that conservation goals are unaffected?
What I find confusing is that it "stems from customs, practices or traditions that are integral to the distinctive culture of an Aboriginal community"..when everyone knows they live a lifestyle not so different from the rest of Ontarians, proven by this photo. So why can't they just wait only a few weeks more? Are they really going to starve in that time? If they're hunters/anglers shouldn't they have stocked food from the fall?
They know the loophole they're exploiting; what does this show about their respect for conserving and preserving species populations? I think they should be setting a better example for their communities. You can bet they aren't the only ones :???: it just seems ignorant to me; they know that the ganaraska is pressured.