Noob goes to the lakes

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2009
So I was up on Long Lake in Sudbury. The first morning I tried some spinning but didn't hit anything, then went to a simple worm on a float and caught a beauty bass.

tried some spinning again on other mornings but mainly went float and worm, but only caught small bass after that.

Apparently there are lake trout in there but much deeper and farther out, but I'm not sure how to go after those. I really want to catch a cat before the season is over, and I'm back in Toronto now, so any advice appreciated.
i think that's a smallmouth, just assuming that from the background and the lack of weeds :mrgreen:

Anyways, nice job. I don't know where to tell you to go to get cats, i never specifically fish for them.
Nice fish!

My advise for cats is simply a dew worm on a hook, couple of split shot 12 inches up the line, no bobber. Just cast it out in most Toronto Ponds (try Grenadier)and let it sink to the bottom and wait. Repeating "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" can't hurt and might improve your chances as no one would come or fish near you, lol.
Nice, usually when I float fish with bass I prefer to use leeches. Or if it's a rocky bed I'll bottom fish with crayfish. Except they're not allowed in many places :mrgreen:
well i have to admit that worm and bobber has been my method of choice as a beginner because I get hits. Luckily I was given a second rod, so now I send out the bobber and then spinners or something different with the other rod.