Noob question - Steelhead Pre-Open

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May 6, 2011
Hello, i apologize in advance for how noobie this sounds, but i assure you im in love with the sport and go as much as i possibly can.

I have never fished an early opportunity spot before and was hoping to get out for some chrome maybe saturday (i fish mainly huron tribs as im in london)

I was wondering if our recent precipitation will be pushing fish up river and if so should i be targetting near the mouth and maybe theyre still staging or get as far upstream as i legally can?

I dont need specific spots or anything as i know how protective people are im just wondering if its worth my time.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you
Good question. Being a noob myself I cannot help you, but I am hoping one of the seasoned experts can educate here a bit. General knowledge is great, we can poke around for spots that have fish. Mind you a general area tip that may actually produce fish is always welcomed. I have not caught anything bigger than the occasional bass myself so I am very excited at the potential of catching some nice meal size fish :D
They have been catching fish most of the winter in the year round open sections of the Huron tribs.
There are pretty much only a couple months a year you can't catch steel, maybe only one really, they chase salmon up July through September, they start comming up a little heavier in october, and stage all winter in tribs. In early spring, fishing harbors and mouths can be very successful, lake fish will come in, in the morning and go back out to the lake later in the day (testing water or feeding?) and march through June you can hit them pretty much anywhere in the river. If anyone has different theories, I'd love to hear them, this is just what I have come to realize and could be dead wrong.

I love fishing bows in august/September, fishing tail outs of pools with single eggs or small bags, can be very deadly. Just remember, just because you can see 100 salmon doesn't mean there aren't a few pieces of chrom hiding in the mix.
Hello, i apologize in advance for how noobie this sounds, but i assure you im in love with the sport and go as much as i possibly can.

I have never fished an early opportunity spot before and was hoping to get out for some chrome maybe saturday (i fish mainly huron tribs as im in london)

I was wondering if our recent precipitation will be pushing fish up river and if so should i be targetting near the mouth and maybe theyre still staging or get as far upstream as i legally can?

I dont need specific spots or anything as i know how protective people are im just wondering if its worth my time.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you

That probably depends on the river you are fishing. If there are good holding pools and obstacles in the open area of the river than as far up as legally possible is your best bet. If there isnt good holding pools and its deep water all the way up to the closed section than it probably doesnt matter if you fish at the mouth or the furthest upstream spot.