Noobie need an advice

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Mar 29, 2014
Hello All.,

I finally find some people to talk to about fishing.
I have been looking for info on the internet for days now but must of the findings are year or 2 old.

Alright, Im new to fishing. Alwayes wanted to fish but had no chance. Finally bought a Shimano Spinning Combo from CT yasterday.

I live in GTA and dont mind to travel 30/45 min. I need help with finding a good spot to fish that has a good chances of getting something out of the water first day. Doesnt matter what type of fish or what size. Just want something to start with and don't wanna be disapointed at first day.

Also if you have a suggestion for a place\type of fish. what the the best type of bait to use.

Thank you all in andvance.
Welcome - I'm sure members will reach out and help you - that is the beauty of this forum. My suggestion to you is figure out what you want to target and take it from there. Almost every species of fish can be caught within 45 minutes of Toronto. Take the time and read through the past pages of the forum - there are lots of hidden gems to be found. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there to take in so doing some research will only benefit you. You can catch a fish in any marina on Lake Ontario... put on a worm and throw it out there... something will bite eventually. Soon carp will flood the shallow warm water connected to Lake Ontario for their spawn. They eat worms and corn and get really, really big. Familiarize yourself with the regulations and know where you are allowed to fish and what fish you are allowed fishing for - conservation officers hand out hefty fines for violations.

Everyone has fishless days... its part of the game. A successful day shouldn't be measured by the amount of fish caught... just being able to get out and enjoy yourself is the real blessing.

Welcome to fishing.
Welcome to OFF.

Fishing spots can be hot one day but another day no action. You're not always guaranteed of catching fishing at spots that are good other days thats just how it goes, it depends on how the fish feel believe it or not or opportunity to them. When people start out fishing and they don't catch anything the first day chances are they don't do it again. They don't understand or just don't have the patience for it.

So I assume you have a fishing license.

Most guys on here wont give you honey holes or anything like that. But what's your location? You close to any rivers? Nothing is open really this time of year depending where you are. And with the melt happening most rivers/creeks are wont be fishable do to the snow melting water turns to chocolate milk. Makes fishing extremely difficult.

Another question what fish do you want to target?
Thanks guys for your replies. Im Located at East York (can travel 30/45 minutes)and yes i got the licence.
Taget: any type doesn't matter. just dont wanna leave empty handed first day.
Do you have a tackle shop around you ?? They can usually point you in the right direction and show you what to use for what fish ... That's where I would start
anwar_it said:
Hello All.,

I finally find some people to talk to about fishing.
I have been looking for info on the internet for days now but must of the findings are year or 2 old.

Alright, Im new to fishing. Alwayes wanted to fish but had no chance. Finally bought a Shimano Spinning Combo from CT yasterday.

I live in GTA and dont mind to travel 30/45 min. I need help with finding a good spot to fish that has a good chances of getting something out of the water first day. Doesnt matter what type of fish or what size. Just want something to start with and don't wanna be disapointed at first day.

Also if you have a suggestion for a place\type of fish. what the the best type of bait to use.

Thank you all in andvance.
Hi Anwar,

I know this may sound silly, but if you are looking for a sure bet, check out the creeks that run through the City of Toronto and all parts of the GTA There will always be something biting. Even if its just a creek chub or sucker. Try a #0 or #1 inline spinner (mepps, panther martin, etc) with a brass blade. Creeks are a great place to practice your chops. Buy a couple extra spinners because they have a habit of getting stuck in trees and snags.
Thank you all guys.
I got some worms and #0-1-2 hooks and will head to the Don River by Leslie st and give it a try tomorrow.
anwar_it said:
Thank you all guys.
I got some worms and #0-1-2 hooks and will head to the Don River by Leslie st and give it a try tomorrow.
Haha sounds exciting man! Be sure to keep positive and take in all thats around you. Fishing is the best, catching the fish is a bonus so best of luck to you my friend!
will Don river be a bad choice at this time of the year? some people saying the river will be high and not much fish ?
is better to go to Bluffers Park or somewhere else ?
^ The river may still be too cold/high/muddy/fast right now. You want water that has some slow 'pools' and be able to mostly see the bottom in the shallow areas. Most fish won't come out to play until the water is at least 50F or warmer. Wait until the snow has melted and we have had a streak of nice weather. Mid april maybe.
Welcome to the wonderful world of fishing!

I'm pretty sure I live close to you, I'm also in East York.

I've been fishing for several years and I can tell you that Toronto has some great opportunities.

A great place to start imo would be Grenadier pond. It has always produced for me even after the die-off in August of 2013. (Went back in September and caught a 3lb Largemouth which looked very healthy)

Have not been back in 2014, but will venture out there again shortly =)

Panfish where the hardest hit by the die-off, but my guess is if you dont care what you catch, you'll have a great chance in hooking into atleast some bullheads. *WATCH OUT FOR THE SPIKES!* ;)

Try this, go to a store that sells tackle, (Canadian tire, or a Walmart) and look for some size 9 or 10 hooks, (the very small hooks) then, look into purchasing a small tub of a product called "Gulp Alive waxies, or the 1" minnows" -their expensive, at around $7.99 a tub, but imo a much better investment then worms. (You can always put them back in the container and re-use them)

I have literally caught fish every single cast there last year using the white waxies. (Lets call it 8/10 casts, just so I dont seem smug ;)) They seem to attract the fish at Grenadier pond. Everything from crappies, bluegill, bull heads, yellow perch and sunfish.

Use a split shot about 12" away from the hook and a bobber about 20" away (It gets very weedy there) and place 2 or three of those white waxies onto your hook and prepare to be amazed! Truly a great artificial bait, its never disappointed me.

Hope this helps =)

It was for me =)


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Hi welcome, Carp addiction is right dont go on and try desprately to catch a type of fish yet ( but do later to make it interesting). But just focus obn building up fishing skill, and the best wsy to do that is to go to "fishing ponds" sometimes you can even see the fish in the water, teaches you a lot of things that will help you when fishing in the future.