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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
Now that I'm on Downtime -> Pulled my wisdom teeth out and is in a great deal of pain, Thinking of fishing takes out some of the pain :). I am going to try and set up times and locations for everyone to meet.

Please post a post here if you are interested, and after that, Write what(dates/Times) needs to be changed / Whether if it is good for you.

DATE : APRIL 3, 2009
TIME : ~7:00PM - 7:30 PM MEETUP? Finish off whenever you feel like packing it home.
LOCATION : Holland River - Canal Road.

If someone isn't familiar with the roads there, Feel free to ask.

BASIC DIRECTIONS : From wherever you are, get access to Highway 404. Drive up the 404 until it reaches the end, at Green Lane. At the Green Lane exit, Turn LEFT. Continue straight ahead until you see Yonge Street on your right, and turn in. Upon turning in, go straight, continue for ~10km's. After crossing a bridge, you possibly will see people fishing it already, Turn LEFT onto Canal Road. There, you can park on the side of the road right next to the water. From there, we can set up and begin casting.

If anyone has suggestions to where we should meet up before hitting the water in case there are a ton of other people fishing, feel free to say so!

OK, so here is Crappie Softwater GTG 2009!
Post here asap and pm me if you need more details!
oooh i am down.
you will find me at pump house road instead of canal road just a little further down.
how's the pain btw?
i had all 4 of mine pulled out at once a few years back. don't remember it being that bad... just a lot of blood making me want to puke haha
i have been able to get braces instead of having to ever have any teeth pulled, the pain is really bad when i get them tightened but no blood :)
frozenfire said:
how's the pain btw?
i had all 4 of mine pulled out at once a few years back. don't remember it being that bad... just a lot of blood making me want to puke haha

Without the drugs, I'm close to feeling like dying..
With the drugs, It's dizzy and sleepy and barely operational

And Anthony, is pump house road less crowded? If that's the case, we should start meeting up there then!
i'll see if i can go too.

what? limit of 10 crappies for conservation license? oh well. let see if i can even catch that much.
ec1 said:
Without the drugs, I'm close to feeling like dying..
With the drugs, It's dizzy and sleepy and barely operational

And Anthony, is pump house road less crowded? If that's the case, we should start meeting up there then!

pump house road is actually a lot more crowded...but for good reason!
oh! Lol.
and do you guys think we need a printout for the meetup so that everyone knows who's from the forum?
hmmm...i am not willing to tape a piece of paper to the back of my shirt hahaha! look like an idiot!
too bad though, since i'm asian, i'm going to blend right in with the rest of the asian people. :) we all look alike haha
i will tell you what gear i'm using and the car i drive.. that should be enough to figure out who i am.
btw, when do think that the crappie will be catchable at that spot? and what type of bait works best for them(i've never fished for them before)
is anyone willing to carpool?

kinda of a waste for me to drive myself up there. I'm in North York right at hwy 404 and Finch btw.
balapickerel said:
btw, when do think that the crappie will be catchable at that spot? and what type of bait works best for them(i've never fished for them before)

Tubes / Grubs no bigger than 2" and use a 1/16 or so jig head. Have a LIGHTED FLOAT since we are having the meet at night. Check out one of frozenfire's posts before, as he had detailed instructions on how to catch them.

flash_kid said:
is anyone willing to carpool?
kinda of a waste for me to drive myself up there. I'm in North York right at hwy 404 and Finch btw.

And Flash, I'm way north of you. I'm at Kennedy and 16th Ave. If you really want to carpool, you can pick me up :) But then I'm not that close to 404. You probably have some time to decide as there hopefully are other members willing to go to this meet.
another suggestion for how to find eachother would be for someone to get there first and put some sort of a marker at the location for us to meet
I'm probably goign to try and get there before 7 to claim a spot as we all know it's going to be PACKED... shoulder to shoulder.
Good suggestion Bala, But then I don't know if it's going to be possible.
If there are going to be people.....They will not care if you have police marking tape to line off a section.

Since it is at night, I POSSIBLY will bring a lamp that is going to be electric, So it's a bluish light. Match that up with a White Jacket, You have found ME. Edwin :)

AND YES, Whoever else is interested, PLEASE POST!
I am going to try to make it out. I want to put the boat into Simcoe before then if mother nature cooperates. If i don't, then I should be there.

i just meant a stink in the groung with some bright tape that everyone could try to head toward, i think someone would comlpain to the police if we maked off an area :)