Oh Hai Again !!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
Took a step back from the interwebs for a good while ... and now that life is calming down .... im back !!!!!

been doing aloto f fishing over the last 6 months tho .... havent landed a steel yet .... buncha slamo's and some nice sized bass for shore fishing .....

This little project of mine is one ive been wanting to do for awhile now .... and i couldnt find the one aroudn so .... i said Sc3w it ..... i'll make my own .... :)


Second pic is me on the river shores ..... happy as a clam


This next one ...... was a Pig ..... 45 min fight ..... went under a buncha semi submersed logs @ the end of the pool ..... @ the 30 min mark ..... i stood there held tension on the line for 15 mins ...... then i said to myself ... k its gettin dark ... i need to snapp this guy off ....... started to pull.... and noticed i wasnt spooling out ...... SWEET JEEBUZ !!!! i pulled him outta the logs on 6 lb line ...... catch of the day for me for sure !!!

going to have to send thisone back tho ...... as its got a manufactures deffect ..... wasnt CNC'd properly and has a bad warp ...... i'll see if i can upload the video for you guys
Odoyle said:
This next one ...... was a Pig ..... 45 min fight ..... went under a buncha semi submersed logs @ the end of the pool ..... @ the 30 min mark ..... i stood there held tension on the line for 15 mins ...... then i said to myself ... k its gettin dark ... i need to snapp this guy off ....... started to pull.... and noticed i wasnt spooling out ...... SWEET JEEBUZ !!!! i pulled him outta the logs on 6 lb line ...... catch of the day for me for sure !!!
AKA you netted him while he was running the shallow rapids..nice try ;)

Willkommen back
^^ LOL what is this u speak of ? NET ??? never herd of it !!!! naw if i wanted one that bad .... there was a few i wouldnt even of needed the net for LOL ..... hand on the tail and out they come :p

Thanks for the welcome back luv lol

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