Ontario Atlantic Salmon

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Graham Bristow

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
From what I've read they've stocked about 6,742,000 atlantics into lake Ontario since 1987 with the bulk coming from the last 6 years.

So my questions are, have you caught 1 yet, or at least seen someone catch one in a river? any numbers?

Does anyone have any success stories about lake Ontario atlantics in the river?

How good do you think the steelhead fishing would be if that was 6,742,000 steelhead instead?

Just looking for feed back from guys that fish...


ive seen 1 since i started fishing but i dont think (in my persective) they are doing too well if that was steelies, id think we would have much better steelie fishing mainly because there are already established in lake O and wont have to compete as much and they can find a school pretty easily. However if the steelies were wiped out i dont think it would make a difference what it was
i know that guys are catching them, but not in great numbers, maybe 1 or 2 month type thing. I know that there is now a limit on Atlantics in Lake Ontario only, of 1 fish, so that can taken as a positive sign i guess. i doubt they are spawning in ontario rivers and creeks though, maybe states side?

i don't know if the steel fishing would be any better if they were stocked instead of atlantics.

however, heres a recent article from the mnr about their new goals. it is a fairly lengthy read, but pages 22 and on contain the bulk of information we should pay close attention to

The program isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They are in the second phase of a long project, from my understanding its 25 years starting from 2006? There is success - extremely low return rates at the moment but I would imagine its tough to introduce a fish within a system which has 5 other species competing for the same resources. The fish have been straying to other creeks which is a good sign, as long as they stay in Canadian waters and not venture south :lol: Each year more and more are being caught... I've never got one.

Could the resources used to get this project rolling have gone through another channel? Absolutely. Should we continue what we are doing? In my opinion, yes, we're in this far, we might as well finish the race.
I have not caught or seen one as of yet. I do believe it's worth it to keep working on this project but stocking without habitat restoration won't make a difference IMO. This is just an opinion but I'd also like to see the MNR cut back on steelhead and salmon stocking, they aren't native species and are only here for the sportfishing industry.
This is a tough one. The project is noble and returning Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario and re-introducing a native species is well intended but the economics don't add up. Steelhead are established and proven to be a viable product that has some economic return and anglers love them. I love Atlantic salmon but where Lake Ontario is concerned, I say live in the now and be happy with the status quo because we have it pretty good.
Hey Rob, I see there's a huge amount of time, effort and money put into this fish but little return.. I was hoping to hear better reports from anglers..